Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme esitellä paikallisten taiteilijoiden monipuolista ja inspiroivaa taidetta hotellimme tiloissa.
The art pieces are for sale so you can take home a piece of Fiskars Village creativity. Ask for prices in our reception.
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Daniel Enckell
Daniel Enckell on kuvataiteilija, jonka teokset ovat vertauskuvallisia. Hän käyttää taiteessaan abstraktoidun ympäristön lisäksi konkreettisen ihmisfiguurin muotoa.
Enckell's artistic expression is a declaration for equal human and humanity. Every person is at their most genuine at birth; sincere, naked and open. He cherishes this primal state of mind also in his art making, and his language of expression is by no means sentimental but free and crossing the boundaries of different art forms.
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Saara Paatero-Burtsov
Saara Paatero-Burtsov is a Finnish ceramic artist and goldsmith. The texture of the wall surface of the slag brick buildings of Fiskars Village has served as a source of inspiration for Paatero-Burtsov's ceramic tiles, their interesting surface that makes one seek for meanings hidden beneath, such as a historical dimension.